July 10, 2023
Game Time – 9:45
1st | 2nd | 3rd | Final | Shots |
0 | 1 | 1 | 2 | 22 |
1 | 0 | 3 | 4 | 27 |
1st Period
Purple – Benedict (10) from Kevin (6)
2nd Period
Gold – Jeff Duquette (3) from Brett Ricci (8) and Kendra Dow (9)
3rd Period
Gold – Kendra Dow (8) from Sam Raynor (7)
Purple – Matt (2) from Brian (7)
Purple – Benedict (11)
Purple – Nick (5) from Benedict (9) EN
Blocked Shots
Matt 3, Rick 2, Brian 1, Nick 1, Hayley 1, Kevin 1
Shots on Goal
Benedict 9, Brian 4, Nick 3, Todd 3, Justin 3, Karl 2, Kevin 2, Matt 1
Kevin 11-8, 58% | Todd 12-5, 71% | Justin 1-0, 100%
Benedict +3, Kevin +2, Matt +1, Karl +1, Brian +1, Nick +1, Rick +1, Hayley +1, Justin -1
Matt 1, Hayley 1
July 17, 2023
Game Time – 8:30
1st | 2nd | 3rd | Final | Shots |
0 | 1 | 1 | 2 | 20 |
2 | 0 | 2 | 4 | 26 |
1st Period
Purple – Bear (10) from Kevin (7) and Karl (5)
Purple – Benedict (12) from Hayley (3)
2nd Period
Grey – Kurt Oulette (2) from Kevin Box (3)
3rd Period
Purple – Bear (11) from Kevin (8)
Grey – Raleigh Martin (2)
Purple – Benedict (13) from Bear (8) and Todd (5) EN
Blocked Shots
Matt 4, Kevin 2, Hayley 1, Rick 1, Karl 1
Shots on Goal
Benedict 8, Bear 5, Brian 2, Todd 2, Justin 2, Daisy 2, Ben 1, Hayley 1, Matt 1, Kevin 1, Nick 1
Todd 8-6, 57% | Kevin 10-7, 59% | Rick 3-5, 38%
Bear +2, Kevin +2, Benedict +1, Karl +1, Matt +1, Justin +1, Hayley +1, Daisy +1, Todd +1, Ben -1
July 24, 2023
Game Time – 7:15
1st | 2nd | 3rd | Final | Shots |
1 | 1 | 0 | 2 | 23 |
2 | 0 | 2 | 4 | 20 |
1st Period
Purple – Kevin (6) from Benedict (10) and Ben (1)
Purple – Bear (12) from Nick (6) and Karl (6)
Red – Kevin Manning (8) from Ryan Jones (5)
2nd Period
Red – Mike Sinkewich (9) from John Gesek (5) and Phillip Saltmarsh (5)
3rd Period
Purple – Bear (13) from Benedict (11) SH
Purple – Benedict (14) from Justin (5)
Blocked Shots
Matt 4, Daisy 2, Bear 1, Brian 1, Hayley 1, Justin 1, Kevin 1
Shots on Goal
Bear 7, Benedict 3, Hayley 2, Karl 2, Kevin 1, Matt 1, Daisy 1, Todd 1, Nick 1, Justin 1
Todd 8-9, 47% | Kevin 8-7, 53% | Rick 2-7, 22% | Bear 0-1, 0% | Benedict 0-1, 0%
Hayley +3, Kevin +2, Benedict +2, Ben +1, Bear +1, Nick +1, Karl +1, Matt -1, Brian -1
Matt 2, Brian 1
July 31, 2023
Game Time – 8:30
1st | 2nd | 3rd | Final | Shots |
0 | 2 | 1 | 3 | 18 |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 22 |
1st Period
No scoring
2nd Period
Blue – Adam Holmes (5) from Jeff Lapak (4)
Blue – Dennis Vigliotti (4) from Adam Holmes (4) and Mike Henniger (7)
3rd Period
Blue – Mike Henniger (5) EN
Blocked Shots
Matt 4, Daisy 2, Justin 1, Todd 1, Bear 1, Hayley 1, Rick 1, Nick 1, Kevin 1
Shots on Goal
Benedict 7, Bear 3, Nick 2, Daisy 2, Ben 2, Justin 1, Karl 1, Matt 1, Hayley 1, Kevin 1, Rick 1
Kevin 12-9, 57% | Todd 9-13, 41% | Rick 2-1, 67%
Hayley -1, Daisy -1, Rick -1, Bear -1, Karl -2, Nick -2, Matt -2, Ben -3, Kevin -3
Matt 1, Karl 1
August 7, 2023
Game Time – 6:00
1st | 2nd | 3rd | Final | Shots |
0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 22 |
1 | 0 | 1 | 2 | 24 |
1st Period
Purple – Nick (6) from Karl (7)
2nd Period
Green – Dennis Pelletier (6)
3rd Period
Purple – Bear (14) from Hayley (4)
Blocked Shots
Hayley 6, Benedict 2, Rick 2, Matt 1, Kevin 1, Todd 1, Brian 1, Justin 1
Shots on Goal
Kevin 8, Bear 7, Brian 3, Benedict 2, Todd 2, Nick 1, Rick 1
Kevin 16-5, 76% | Todd 7-8, 47% | Bear 1-1, 50% | Nick 1-0, 100%
Bear +2, Nick +1, Todd +1, Hayley +1, Rick +1, Brian +1, Benedict -1, Justin -1
Matt 2, Karl 1
August 14, 2023
Game Time – 9:45
1st | 2nd | 3rd | Final | Shots |
0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 17 |
3 | 3 | 1 | 7 | 33 |
1st Period
Purple – Ben (3) from Hayley (5) and Todd (6)
Purple – Kevin (7) from Matt (5) and Karl (8) PP
Purple – Nick (7) from Hayley (6) and Todd (7)
2nd Period
Purple – Rick (6) from Benedict (12)
Purple – Bear (15) from Nick (7) and Kevin (9)
Purple – Bear (16)
3rd Period
Purple – Benedict (15) from Bear (9) and Todd (8)
White – Jeff Cole (3) from Steve Barrasso (3)
Blocked Shots
Hayley 4, Kevin 2, Matt 2, Bear 2, Ben 1, Daisy 1, Karl 1
Shots on Goal
Benedict 7, Bear 5, Kevin 4, Rick 3, Ben 3, Matt 2, Daisy 2, Karl 2, Nick 2, Todd 2, Hayley 1
Todd 15-4, 79% | Kevin – 12-8, 60% | Rick 1-1, 50% | Bear 1-0, 100%
Benedict +4, Todd +3, Karl +3, Matt +3, Hayley +2, Daisy +2, Ben +2, Rick +2, Bear +2, Nick +1, Kevin +1
Karl 1
August 21, 2023 (Semi-Finals)
Game Time – 6:00
1st | 2nd | 3rd | Final | Shots |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 23 |
0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 28 |
1st Period
No scoring
2nd Period
No scoring
3rd Period
Purple – Kevin (8) from Benedict (13)
Blocked Shots
Hayley 5, Matt 4, Benedict 3, Kevin 3, Daisy 2, Todd 2, Karl 1, Brian 1, Justin 1
Shots on Goal
Bear 6, Benedict 5, Kevin 5, Matt 3, Rick 3, Brian 3, Todd 1, Hayley 1, Justin 1
Kevin 13-4, 76% | Todd 14-7, 67% | Rick 5-2, 71%
Benedict +1, Kevin +1, Bear +1, Matt +1, Hayley +1
Matt 1
August 28, 2023 (Finals)
Game Time – 6:00
1st | 2nd | 3rd | Final | Shots |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 17 |
1 | 0 | 2 | 3 | 31 |
1st Period
Purple – Nick (8) from Benedict (14) and Hayley (7)
2nd Period
No scoring
3rd Period
Purple – Benedict (16)
Purple – Rick (7) from Todd (9) and Benedict (15)
Blocked Shots
Rick 3, Hayley 3, Karl 1, Benedict 1, Nick 1, Todd 1
Shots on Goal
Benedict 12, Nick 7, Brian 6, Todd 2, Hayley 1, Matt 1, Ben 1, Rick 1
Todd 20-8, 71% | Nick 11-7, 61%
Benedict +3, Todd +3, Hayley +2, Matt +2, Nick +1, Justin +1, Karl +1, Rick +1, Ben +1